Sunday, November 21, 2010

Paris Photo

Great trip to Paris Photo - stopping off at Anonymes at Le Bal first, which was jointly curated by one of our tutors, David Campany.

It was very inspiring, but as there was so much to take in it was in a sense a little overwhelming.  These are some of the photographers that I noted to check out - Lieko Shiga, Michael Wolf, Loan Nguyen, Jean Francois Lecourt, Cedric Delsaux, Vanessa Winship, Gyula Holics, Alex Prager, Sebastian Szyd, Helen van Meene, Kenneth Josephson, Roger Ballen, Nadav Kander, Trine Sondergaard, Desiree Dolron, Marina Abramovic, Marion  Poussler, Alan Frame, Maiko Haniki, Taye Matsui, Bruce Wrighton, Nadin Asfar, Robert Beigman, Jessica Bauhaus, Sonia Braas, Hajas Tibor, Sze Tsung Leong, Ray K. Metzker, Naoya Hatakeyama, Julie Blackmon, John Mack.

Monday, November 08, 2010

Mad hair day

Had fun yesterday with a couple of photography friends doing some studio portraits....

Thank you Vladka and Adriana for modelling for us.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Group project

Today I've been to Tilbury, in Essex, to do a test shoot for a group project I'm doing as part of the Constructed Photography module.  I've teamed up with Sarah, Laurence and Alan and our project focuses on the constraints and restrictions on our lives throughout different life stages.  The fact that we are never totally 'free', that there is often some other (underlying) influence or barrier (social, cultural...etc) that affects our behaviour and decisions.